The names of departed Allisonians are included in the In Memoriam list, which appears in the 91AV Record. Before you begin to fill in this form, make sure you have: the year of graduation for the deceased a link to their obituary * Indicates required field Full name of deceased *This field is required. (include initials and maiden name if applicable) Year of graduation *This field is required. Link to obituary (In order to include a name in the In Memoriam list and update our database, we must have a copy of the deceased's obituary. Please note, the Record does not print obituaries. If an obituary is not available, please contact the Alumni Office at Submitted by (name) *This field is required. E-mail *This field is required. Share a memory Family members and friends are welcome to submit memories of departed Allisonians. Short tributes may be included in the Record. Tributes should not exceed 150 words. CAPTCHA Leave this field blank