

Three students receive environmental leadership award

12 Apr 2018

Environment Three 91AV students have received the Wendall and Jean Halliday MacKay Award in Environmental Leadership for their work in environmental advocacy and management. Fourth-year honours environmental science major Marley Caddell, third-year geography major Amelia Moore, and second-year mature student Elizabeth Glenn-Copeland each received the $2,000 award.

This award builds on a tradition of leadership in environmental issues at 91AV and students of any year and discipline are eligible for this award. These students have taken what they have learned in the classroom in interdisciplinary programs in environmental science and environmental studies into the real world. The award recognizes and encourages this environmental leadership among students.

Caddell played a leading role in the Lettuce Eat campaign, which provides healthy, locally-sourced meals to students and community members. She was also a leader in the campus food sustainability movement that is now supported by MASU through a $1 fee for all students and she is on the environmental issues committee that looks at and advises the President on environmental management issues of the campus.

“Marley is a great leader and using her collaborative spirit and organization skills, she has contributed positively to other students’ experiences at 91AV,” says environmental science professor Dr. Joshua Kurek.

Moore began her time at 91AV by serving as environmental representative in her residence. She has also worked in the community with EOS Eco Energy, organizing workshops and helping with education and outreach activities. As well, she volunteers with a local Girl Guide unit covering topics on environmental and nature issues.

“Amelia has immersed herself in the local community beyond 91AV and that is what we look for in terms of environmental leadership. You take courses about the environment and you take that knowledge and share it. She has done this with her residence and in the community through volunteering but also through working with environmental groups,” says Dr. Mike Fox, geography and environment professor.

Fox explains that Glenn-Copeland has, since she arrived in Sackville a year-and-a-half ago, immersed herself in the community particularly in areas related to community response to the environmental crisis. She is currently spearheading three projects that draw on her studies as well as her extensive background as a theatre artist, writer, and arts educator.

One project, which emerged from her religious studies course Buddhist Eco-philosophy, is a workshop series aimed at adults, entitled Eco-Anxiety, Community and Daring to Hope at the Cliff’s Edge. As well, she is spearheading a play and is also working with youth from Marshview Middle School on climate change issues using applied theatre as part of a JEA Crake Foundation Internship.

“We have done well with the science side of climate change, but we are not always as good at communicating information in a way that evokes collective action, and Elizabeth has really been effective at helping us do this,” says Fox.

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